Theory Test in English- Part 3/4

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Theoretical Test in English - Part 3/4

1 / 30

1. To stop external bleeding for accident injured, you can do the following;

2 / 30

2. When you see a vehicle turning on the turning lights in front of you, you should;

3 / 30

3. When the driver sees a stopping school bus for children getting on or off, he should;

4 / 30

4. The safety triangle is;

5 / 30

5. There are three categories (A, B and C) for tires, the most appropriate category is?

6 / 30

6. Parking in places specified for handicapped people is;

7 / 30

7. Is it better to turn low lights on at night?

8 / 30

8. To avoid disturbing other drivers with your vehicle lights, you should;

9 / 30

9. When a tire explodes, it is preferable to;

10 / 30

10. Insurance plays a role in?

11 / 30

11. The majority of traffic accidents which occur adjacent to schools are;

12 / 30

12. Is there no difference between original and commercial spare parts?

13 / 30

13. Using brakes in bends may cause;

14 / 30

14. Most of the running over accidents affecting pedestrians occur at sunset or during the night because of;

15 / 30

15. In the case of vehicle sliding, the driver should push the brake as a first action?

16 / 30

16. Who is a defensive driver?

17 / 30

17. If your vehicle is equipped with an ABS device, and you had to use the brake, should you push powerfully and continuously to reduce the speed?

18 / 30

18. What to do when you see injured persons in a car?

19 / 30

19. Crowding around accidents or disasters might be;

20 / 30

20. If you had to stop your vehicle on a side of a one-way road for an emergency, you should place the safety triangle with a distance of?

21 / 30

21. When you see emergency vehicles on the highway you should;

22 / 30

22. Half an hour before the sunset the driver must do?

23 / 30

23. The penalty of those who cause or share to cause a traffic accident under the effect of drugs is;

24 / 30

24. Blind people can be recognized on the roads?

25 / 30

25. If you are the first person to reach the accident site, you should:

26 / 30

26. Among the issue, you confirm when replacing tires are the Production date, and it has a symbol.

27 / 30

27. When crossing a working area, you should;

28 / 30

28. The fire extinguisher is a safety requirement in?

29 / 30

29. Saudi Traffic Rules require every driver to have?

30 / 30

30. When the front lights stop at night, you can do the following?

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Theoretical Questions Explanation

Half an hour before the sunset the driver must do?

Half an hour before sunset, the driver must turn on the vehicle's lights to improve visibility and safety as daylight fades.

Is it better to turn low lights on at night?

It is always mandatory to turn on low lights at night to ensure visibility without blinding other drivers.

When the front lights stop at night, you can do the following?

If the front lights stop working at night, drive the vehicle away from the road to prevent accidents and ensure safety.

To avoid disturbing other drivers with your vehicle lights, you should;

To avoid disturbing other drivers, use low lights. This reduces glare and helps maintain safe driving conditions.

When you see a vehicle turning on the turning lights in front of you, you should;

When you see a vehicle turning on the turning lights in front of you, reduce driving speed to give them space to maneuver safely.

When you see emergency vehicles on the highway you should;

On the highway, give way to emergency vehicles to allow them to reach their destination quickly and safely.

To stop external bleeding for accident injured, you can do the following;

To stop external bleeding for accident injuries, press the place of bleeding hard to control blood loss until help arrives.

Crowding around accidents or disasters might be;

Crowding around accidents or disasters can obstruct aid and rescue operations and may cause additional traffic accidents.

If you are the first person to reach the accident site, you should:

If you are the first person to reach the accident site, stop your vehicle outside the road after passing the accident site to avoid further hazards.

The penalty of those who cause or share to cause a traffic accident under the effect of drugs is;

The penalty includes suspension of the license and applying legal rules, highlighting the seriousness of driving under the influence.

What to do when you see injured persons in a car?

Do not remove injured persons from a car unless it is burning, as moving them can cause further injury.

Most of the running over accidents affecting pedestrians occur at sunset or during the night because of;

Most pedestrian accidents occur at sunset or during the night due to low visibility. Drivers should be extra cautious during these times.

Saudi Traffic Rules require every driver to have?

Saudi traffic rules require every driver to have third-party or comprehensive insurance to cover potential damages.

Insurance plays a role in?

Insurance helps settle disputes between accident parties by providing a financial guarantee to pay for damages.

There are three categories (A, B and C) for tires, the most appropriate category is?

There are three categories (A, B, and C) for tires, with category A being the most appropriate due to its higher performance standards.

Among the issue, you confirm when replacing tires are the Production date, and it has a symbol.

When replacing tires, confirm the production date, which is indicated by a 3-digit symbol, to ensure they are not expired.

When a tire explodes, it is preferable to;

If a tire explodes, it is preferable to reduce speed gradually and control the steering wheel until the vehicle stops safely.

Using brakes in bends may cause;

Using brakes in bends may cause the vehicle to slide or turn over, so it's important to brake before entering the curve.

The safety triangle is;

The safety triangle is an emergency requirement for alerting other drivers to a stopped vehicle, enhancing roadside safety.

If you had to stop your vehicle on a side of a one-way road for an emergency, you should place the safety triangle with a distance of?

If you stop your vehicle on a one-way road for an emergency, place the safety triangle 100 meters away to warn oncoming traffic.

The fire extinguisher is a safety requirement in?

A fire extinguisher is a safety requirement in all vehicles to address fires quickly and prevent damage.

Who is a defensive driver?

A defensive driver is one who has a positive attitude towards driving, anticipating potential hazards and reacting safely.

Parking in places specified for handicapped people is;

Parking in places specified for handicapped people is forbidden unless you have the appropriate permit, ensuring accessibility.

The majority of traffic accidents which occur adjacent to schools are;

The majority of traffic accidents near schools involve running over pedestrians, underscoring the need for caution in these areas.

When the driver sees a stopping school bus for children getting on or off, he should;

When a driver sees a stopping school bus for children getting on or off, they should stop until the bus moves to ensure children's safety.

Blind people can be recognized on the roads?

Blind people can be recognized on the roads by holding a white stick in their hand, indicating the need for drivers to be cautious.

When crossing a working area, you should;

When crossing a working area, reduce speed and be cautious to protect workers and navigate safely through the zone.

In the case of vehicle sliding, the driver should push the brake as a first action?

In the case of vehicle sliding, the driver should not push the brake as a first action, as it can worsen the slide.

If your vehicle is equipped with an ABS device, and you had to use the brake, should you push powerfully and continuously to reduce the speed?

If your vehicle has an ABS device, push the brake powerfully and continuously to reduce speed safely, as ABS prevents skidding.

Is there no difference between original and commercial spare parts?

There is a difference between original and commercial spare parts; original parts are generally of higher quality and reliability.