50 Questions Challenge Test in English

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50 Random Questions Challenge Test in English

1 / 50

1. What sign it is?

main road

2 / 50

2. What is the maximum speed of small vehicles outside towns (rural zone)?

3 / 50

3. What does this sign indicate about the road?

end of the priority way

4 / 50

4. What does this sign warn about?

sand dunes

5 / 50

5. What does this sign alert the drivers about:

beacons (traffic lights)

6 / 50

6. What does the driver do to switch between tracks?

7 / 50

7. When entering the highway it is preferable to?

8 / 50

8. The fire extinguisher is a safety requirement in?

9 / 50

9. What is the purpose of highway entrance and exit ramps?

10 / 50

10. To avoid disturbing other drivers with your vehicle lights, you should;

11 / 50

11. Who is a defensive driver?

12 / 50

12. What does this sign warn about?

vehicles should not enter the animal istrha

13 / 50

13. In the case of vehicle sliding, the driver should push the brake as a first action?

14 / 50

14. What does a continuous line on your path mean?

15 / 50

15. The sign in the image warns of a descent ahead. What is its purpose?


16 / 50

16. How many points for overtaking a school bus when they stop to board or unload?

17 / 50

17. What does it indicate if you reach the designated point before completing the two-second countdown?

18 / 50

18. What does this sign indicate?


19 / 50

19. What hazard does this sign represent?

by sliding

20 / 50

20. What does this sign indicate about?

the flow of traffic forced to detour to the back

21 / 50

21. What does this sign indicate about?

forced to walk in the direction of rotor

22 / 50

22. What does this sign suggest about?

the end of the lower speed

23 / 50

23. How many points for Drifting?

24 / 50

24. What is the distance indicated by this sign?


25 / 50

25. A white continuous line at your side with a broken line at the other side indicates?

26 / 50

26. Obtaining your driving license means?

27 / 50

27. In which of the following situations is it prohibited to overtake the vehicle in front?

28 / 50

28. What should drivers do when driving between roads?

29 / 50

29. What does a camel do when it sees a vehicle crossing the road?

30 / 50

30. To stop external bleeding for accident injured, you can do the following;

31 / 50

31. One of the common accidents near schools is:

32 / 50

32. What forces push the vehicle away from the curve?

33 / 50

33. What is the appropriate action if your vehicle breaks down in the middle of a busy road?

34 / 50

34. If a medicine is taken for headache, nasal congestion, influenza, it will affect;

35 / 50

35. What does this sign indicate?

forbidden direction to the left

36 / 50

36. What does it mean to commit a traffic violation?

37 / 50

37. What this sign is informing the drivers?

director / exit

38 / 50

38. What does this sign indicate?


39 / 50

39. What does this sign indicate about traffic direction?

the flow of traffic forced to right or left

40 / 50

40. What does this sign indicate?

not enter the bicycle

41 / 50

41. How many points for making an illegal amendment to a vehicle’s body?

42 / 50

42. What direction is traffic forced to flow according to this sign?

the flow of traffic forced forward

43 / 50

43. What type of area does this sign indicate?


44 / 50

44. What is the primary purpose of a red "splats" sign?


45 / 50

45. What is the maximum speed of trucks inside towns (urban zone)?

46 / 50

46. What is the purpose of using the two-second rule repeatedly while driving?

47 / 50

47. When a tire explodes, it is preferable to;

48 / 50

48. What is the benefit of having your vehicle checked occasionally?

49 / 50

49. What is this sign indicating?

marker of mecca

50 / 50

50. What action is suggested by this sign?

not enterance for the motorcycle

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