200 Random Questions Challenge Test in English
1 / 200
1. What does a continuous line on your path mean?
2 / 200
2. What sign it is?
3 / 200
3. What do these lines indicate?
4 / 200
4. What direction is traffic forced to flow according to this sign?
5 / 200
5. When the front lights stop at night, you can do the following?
6 / 200
6. What does this line specify?
7 / 200
7. What does the sign advise drivers to be cautious of?
8 / 200
8. What does this sign indicate about?
9 / 200
9. What should you do when approaching a pedestrian crossing without traffic lights, and people are waiting to cross?
10 / 200
10. Is it necessary to use a seat belt?
11 / 200
11. When you see a vehicle turning on the turning lights in front of you, you should;
12 / 200
12. What does the sign indicate about the nearby area?
13 / 200
13. What does this sign advise about traffic flow?
14 / 200
14. Is it better to turn low lights on at night?
15 / 200
15. The penalty of those who cause or share to cause a traffic accident under the effect of drugs is;
16 / 200
16. What sign it is?
17 / 200
17. To avoid disturbing other drivers with your vehicle lights, you should;
18 / 200
18. What is the restriction indicated by this sign?
19 / 200
19. What do these lines indicate?
20 / 200
20. What does this sign indicate about?
21 / 200
21. The driver’s license will be suspended or stopped temporarily for a particular period when his points record reaches;
22 / 200
22. What should drivers do when seeing this sign?
23 / 200
23. Through which means does the traffic police catch a driver for overspeeding?
24 / 200
24. What is the purpose of these lines?
25 / 200
25. What does this sign advise about direction?
26 / 200
26. What does this sign advise about road direction?
27 / 200
27. What does a red reflective road marker indicate when placed along the edge of the road?
28 / 200
28. What should drivers be aware of when they see this sign?
29 / 200
29. What action is recommended by this sign?
30 / 200
30. What does this warning sign indicate about the road ahead?
31 / 200
31. What this sign board is informing about?
32 / 200
32. What is the maximum speed of trucks inside towns (urban zone)?
33 / 200
33. What service is available at this location according to the sign?
34 / 200
34. What action should you take when you see this sign?
35 / 200
35. What does this sign warn about:
36 / 200
36. What should you do when you see this sign?
37 / 200
37. What does this sign warn about?
38 / 200
38. How many points for driving a vehicle without brake lights?
39 / 200
39. What does this sign indicate about?
40 / 200
40. What should drivers be aware of when they see this sign?
41 / 200
41. Is there no difference between original and commercial spare parts?
42 / 200
42. What does this sign warn about the road ahead?
43 / 200
43. What does it indicate if you reach the designated point before completing the two-second countdown?
44 / 200
44. What does this sign indicate is nearby?
45 / 200
45. What does this sign indicate about traffic flow?
46 / 200
46. Saudi Traffic rules require both the driver and passengers to use the seat belt?
47 / 200
47. In which of the following situations is it prohibited to overtake the vehicle in front?
48 / 200
48. What is the purpose of using the two-second rule repeatedly while driving?
49 / 200
49. What does a camel do when it sees a vehicle crossing the road?
50 / 200
50. Saudi Traffic Rules require every driver to have?
51 / 200
51. What does this sign warn about the road ahead?
52 / 200
52. What should you be aware of when you see this sign?
53 / 200
53. What information does the Street and City Name sign board provide?
54 / 200
54. What does the sign warn about?
55 / 200
55. Blind people can be recognized on the roads?
56 / 200
56. The seat belt is compulsory for?
57 / 200
57. What does this sign indicate?
58 / 200
58. What does this sign warn about?
59 / 200
59. What does it mean to commit a traffic violation?
60 / 200
60. What does the driver do to switch between tracks?
61 / 200
61. What forces push the vehicle away from the curve?
62 / 200
62. What is the purpose of this sign?
63 / 200
63. Why is overtaking prohibited in heights and bends?
64 / 200
64. What does this sign indicate about:
65 / 200
65. What does this sign warn about?
66 / 200
66. What does this sign indicate about traffic flow options?
67 / 200
67. What action should a driver take when a tire suddenly loses pressure while driving at high speed?
68 / 200
68. Crowding around accidents or disasters might be;
69 / 200
69. What facility does this sign indicate is nearby?
70 / 200
70. When a tire explodes, it is preferable to;
71 / 200
71. When you see this sign, what should you prepare for?
72 / 200
72. What action is recommended when you encounter this sign?
73 / 200
73. According to this sign, which way should the driver turn?
74 / 200
74. This sign warns drivers that the road narrows. From which side?
75 / 200
75. What does this sign warn about?
76 / 200
76. What does this sign indicate about the road?
77 / 200
77. What action is recommended by this sign?
78 / 200
78. What action is signaled by this sign regarding prohibitions?
79 / 200
79. Obtaining your driving license means?
80 / 200
80. What signboard it is?
81 / 200
81. What does this sign indicate about train distance?
82 / 200
82. What is indicated by this sign?
83 / 200
83. How many points for Drifting?
84 / 200
84. What does this sign indicate about the area?
85 / 200
85. When entering the highway it is preferable to?
86 / 200
86. When exiting from the highway, it is preferable to;
87 / 200
87. What does this sign suggest about?
88 / 200
88. What does this sign indicate about speed?
89 / 200
89. What is the main reason for deaths in traffic accidents?
90 / 200
90. What does this sign in indicating for?
91 / 200
91. What does this sign warn about?
92 / 200
92. The sign indicates a rise ahead. What should drivers be cautious of?
93 / 200
93. A driver approaches the intersection of a railway vehicle, when overtaking the front car is prohibited?
94 / 200
94. What should you do when you feel tired while driving?
95 / 200
95. What does this sign indicate?
96 / 200
96. What does this sign require drivers to do regarding direction?
97 / 200
97. What should you prepare for when you see this sign on the road?
98 / 200
98. When you see this sign, what should you do?
99 / 200
99. The most fatal and common traffic violation in Saudi Arabia are;
100 / 200
100. What does the sign with multiple bumps indicate?
101 / 200
101. What does this sign indicate about the road status?
102 / 200
102. Personal licenses are given to persons whose vehicle weight doesn’t exceed?
103 / 200
103. Driving of vehicles on the roads is strictly prohibited without?
104 / 200
104. What action is suggested by this sign?
105 / 200
105. What does this sign indicate?
106 / 200
106. How many points for driving under alcohol or drug influence?
107 / 200
107. This road sign warns of:
108 / 200
108. What does this sign mean about the road conditions ahead?
109 / 200
109. What does this line indicate you should do?
110 / 200
110. What does this sign indicate about:
111 / 200
111. The system of points is a system to?
112 / 200
112. One of the common accidents near schools is:
113 / 200
113. What is the restriction indicated by this sign?
114 / 200
114. What does this sign advise about parking?
115 / 200
115. What does the sign warn about?
116 / 200
116. What does this sign indicate about traffic direction?
117 / 200
117. What does the sign indicate about:
118 / 200
118. What does this sign suggest about?
119 / 200
119. What does the sign advise drivers to be cautious of?
120 / 200
120. The sign indicates a specific animal hazard. What is it?
121 / 200
121. What are the safety requirements?
122 / 200
122. What does this sign indicate?
123 / 200
123. When you feel tired or sleepy, what is it advisable to do?
124 / 200
124. Half an hour before the sunset the driver must do?
125 / 200
125. What does the speed limit on the road mean?
126 / 200
126. How many points for Jumping the red traffic light?
127 / 200
127. What does this sign indicate?
128 / 200
128. When you see camels crossing the road, you should;
129 / 200
129. What facility is indicated by this sign?
130 / 200
130. To what extent a pregnant woman needs a seat belt?
131 / 200
131. What sign is this?
132 / 200
132. What this sign is informing the drivers?
133 / 200
133. What to do when the steering wheels break down?
134 / 200
134. Parking in places specified for handicapped people is;